Hi I’m Annique IJmker

Welcome to L’appel du Vide, my school project that delves into the intriguing concept of death and the allure of the void. Through this project, I aim to provide you with a unique perspective on these profound subjects.

Death, often considered a taboo topic, holds a different meaning for each individual. It is a subject that sparks curiosity, contemplation, and even fear. With L’appel du Vide, I invite you to explore my personal perspective on death and the void, allowing you to reflect on your own thoughts and emotions surrounding these universal themes.

I am excited to share that I had the incredible opportunity to participate in an enriching exchange program at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design. This renowned institution is known for its commitment to fostering creativity, innovation, and artistic excellence. During my time at Duncan of Jordanstone, I had the privilege of immersing myself in a vibrant artistic community, collaborating with talented peers, and learning from distinguished faculty members. The experience has broadened my artistic horizons, allowing me to explore new techniques, perspectives, and cultures. This exchange program has not only expanded my knowledge and skills but has also left an indelible mark on my artistic journey. I am immensely grateful for the support and inspiration I received during my time at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, and I look forward to incorporating these valuable experiences into my future work. If you’d like to know more about my exchange program experience or have any questions, feel free to reach out. I’m always eager to share and discuss the transformative impact it had on my artistry. Let’s continue to explore the limitless possibilities of art together!

Imagine stepping into a bustling restaurant, greeted not just by the aroma of culinary delights but by an atmosphere brimming with hospitality. It begins with the subtle gestures—a genuine smile, a welcoming nod—that set the tone for the evening. In this space, every detail, from the arrangement of tables to the flicker of candlelight, is orchestrated to cultivate an environment where guests feel not just accommodated but cherished.